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Hybrid Board Meetings

Hybrid board meeting have become the commonplace as board members return to face-to-face meetings. This new arrangement allows for the possibility of having meetings in person and simultaneously via remote, reducing costs and increasing accessibility. It’s important that your organization establishes a set of meeting standards and expectations, regardless of whether you choose to hold all-virtual or in-person meetings with remote attendees. The best way to accomplish this is to make sure the technology is in place, establishing clear guidelines for participation and communication with a purpose.

Hybrid board meetings don’t come without challenges. Some board members may be frustrated by the fact that they can’t communicate with one another in the same room. Others may feel their contributions aren’t as valuable because they’re not able to provide context for their colleagues. Meeting experts recommend taking proactive measures to support collaboration, such as establishing virtual rooms for social interaction before and during meetings, and also during breaks, and using tools like the board portal to manage the work of your board.

Another common issue is that of different levels of technical proficiency amongst board members. In the end, remote participants may be left out of the loop or their participation may be limited due to poor audio, poor video or a slow internet connection. You can assist your board in navigating these challenges by instructing your members on how to use technology and making sure they have the latest equipment and technology available prior to the meeting.


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