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The Board Management Maturity Model

How a board functions in the way it prepares for meetings and reviews issues, prepares reports and manages data changes over time. The board members don’t know this, but a maturity model can help them chart their progress.

While an annual review can provide an objective approach to evaluate governance practices, an assessment of the maturity of the board gives a deeper and more complete analysis. These assessments provide boards with a path that can help them achieve the next level of maturity in governance.

The majority of boards start at the bottom of maturity in management. These are unwillingly compliant boards who recognize their responsibilities and public relations, but see governance as an obstruction to their’real duties of managing the company. The first step is to shift the board away from viewing governance as an administrative burden and towards gaining their own strategic thinking skills.

Maturity models are usually divided into three to five levels which evaluate the standard of governance in an organisation. They click this over here now assess areas like the supervision of risk, board management and stakeholder engagement. The first level is usually established by impromptu methods without formal standards or alignment, whereas the third and fourth levels are more firmly documented methodologies. These techniques can be based on interviews, questionnaires or benchmarking. Interviews can show the team’s passion and commitment to a particular procedure, while surveys administered by an independent third party are more methodical. They also provide an accurate view of the board’s current maturity level.

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